Friday, May 13, 2011

Easy, Inexpensive Home Hydroponics at the Farmers Market

Recently a vendor has popped up in the farmers market circuit that is selling a clean way to grow lettuce and other plants in your own home for about $10.

Fresh, live, vibrant green lettuce is growing on my kitchen counter-top right now, and thanks to my new hydroponic lettuce kit, my salads will never be the same.

Hydroponics is a way of growing plants without soil but instead in a water and nutrient solution. Plants that especially love water thrive in this system, such as butter lettuce, also known as bibb lettuce, like I am growing now. Most lettuces and cooking herbs will stay fresh and healthy for weeks in this easy, convenient system (see the video for more information about the system and how it works).

Hydro-Serve is a new vendor at the Santee Farmers Market that is selling super-easy home hydroponic kits for $10. For an additional $2 you can purchase a head of lettuce and three weeks worth of nutrients to keep the lettuce alive and thriving.

The flavor and nutritional content of live lettuce is far superior to lettuce heads that were cut several days ago and shipped to your local grocer. Even if you have no interest in growing a small farm of lettuce or other veggies, he sells heads of lettuce at $1 a piece (much cheaper than live lettuce in the store, which may cost $3 or more).


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